Some mods that tastes... good!

Here are some mods that tastes... good, in FC2. (Х-15, Х-35 для Российских Кораблей ГС 2.0 _Версия V 1.1) (Kh-15, Kh-35 For Ruussian Ships FC 2.0), perhaps same as above or something... (Kh-15 FOR FC2.0), an awesome mod, I might say, settings are absolutely realistic as in the Wikipedia (, the missile goes up until 40, 50k meters after launched and dive in at Mach 5 (Crimean ELITE for LoFC-2), reminds me of LOMAC, however the vanilla FC2 missions will be buggy (vehicles are immobilized)

If you want to tell which mods in FC2 that you like, you can send your comments here.
