Mods in development and testing

Right now I am developing the upgraded version of VNAO (Flaming Cliffs 2 mod) that has been unused for a long period of time. I don't know the author of that mod, but I do believe that he has a website named, which has been updated time by time (and I assume the link to download VNAO FC2 is unavailable there, but you can google it, download link is still active).

The reason I developed the upgraded version is because the VNAO FC2 v2.00 is not compatible with my big TC mod (Naruto 607 RU and US Advanced Weapons). Even though I developed the compatibility pack, there is still some bugs on the AI, like somehow fighter jets cannot enter dogfight as in vanilla FC2, and they cannot attack ground targets.

Currently I am now in development of special VNAO missions related to Naruto 607 RU and US Advanced Weapons mod. I tried to keep the modifications to minimum, allowing you to enjoy the best of my modifications without bugs. As of GBU bombs that replaced from KAB-500 (L/Kr/KrOD) series and KAB-1500L-Pr, I have removed it from Russian aircrafts that using it; best to keep it real as they are intended for dual-seater Super Hornet, I suppose.

It has been adapted with custom-made skins (from LockOnFiles) that people who interested in VNAO some time ago made. I will tell you the installation order soon after I finished up this upgrade mod.

Also in this mod, I have added several new weapons:
  1. Kh-15 (Yeah, that high-speed Russian anti-ship missile that is faster and cheaper than Kh-22)
  2. AIM-120D (IMO, that looked like AIM-54C, but with max range of 130 km and more speed, greater than its predecessor, AIM-120C and AIM-120B)
  3. CBU-97/B (deactivated by Devs long time ago, dunno why, but has been activated again in DCS World)
  4. More to come...
New aircrafts and Encyclopedia. Yay!
  1. MiG-28 + Encyclopedia (Remember the aircraft that featured in old American fighter jet movies? You can now get it in FC2)
  2. Scud-B launcher Encyclopedia by AAP + 8K14 Encyc
  3. S-125 SAM Site Encyclopedia + 5V27 Encyc
  4. AIM-120D Encyclopedia (replaces AIM-120C encyclopedia)
  5. F-14D Encyclopedia (replaces F-14A encyclopedia)
  6. F/A-18F Encyclopedia (replaces F/A-18C encyclopedia)
  7. F/A-18A Encyclopedia (added)
  8. More to come...
I guess that's it. Time to get some rest. Have a good Sahur for you Moslems. I'll tell you when the mod is ready. Oh, I think I need to mod the GTA V more, to enhance the police effectiveness... well, I guess my life has been filled all day by sitting in front of the computer, play games, watch videos of Naruto, designing missions in FC2, mod the game... when can I get the Ultimate Ninja 4 game in my PC? DCS A-10C Warthog seemed to be not in my attention for a very long time since DCS World became a debut in the simulation game history. I've gotta get one, but I'd better save my money for the college days. One module for DCS World sounds expensive. Oh boy...

Does that sound peculiar to you? Anyway, skip that. Can some of you tell me the trusted download location where I can get Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja 4 PC game, with cracks (illegal my ass)?
