So it's discovered, the LOM file is actually an FLT file

So it's discovered, the LOM file is actually an FLT file. I have been playing around the 3ds Max a bit and found something called Flight Studio OpenFormat thingy that exports the results into an FLT file. I might think of this: after viewing a LOM file with Notepad++, it contains hierarchy of "Scene Nodes", "Transformations", and other English thingy words to perform an object. Why ED and TFC uses LOM or EDM format instead of FLT? This is one that I myself cannot answer because they made it so for their simulator program.

Well, I may come up with other discoveries soon, but... I recently passed through something called the San Andreas Ped Rigging. The latest version of Autodesk 3ds Max somehow doesn't import file with unknown format. Perhaps it applies too to DFF files. Maybe I'll check it out.
