Hacked, but no one's hacking

Indeed one of the annoying security issues, but I don't see anyone except me who is handling the account. Yep, that's my Facebook account.

I recently doing some login at my laptop, doing posts, and suddenly exited for no reason, and got surprised that security tells somebody added posts. It was me all the time who added the posts, but why telling me as somebody who broke in my own account?

Going back to the old password is impossible for now.

Surprisingly, this is one of the peculiarity I am having, as my laptop is personal, nobody has it and that's it, unless if I open it at public places other than my home computers or laptop. And this is unlike the old times with me having around with my dad's office computer when I was at senior high. That's when the Pockie Ninja Social II still exists until it closed down and changed with another.

I have been changing password for almost 3 times just to know that it's hacked or signed in from untrusted location. I have re-enabled announces of unknown sign-in location and e-mail nots that once enabled from... idk when it was, and this is one kind of preventative actions in the future.

I need to know why and how. This event was the first time and there can't be the second or third. If there is another, I'll be running out of ideas of what password that it would be. I'll be consulting the Help and Support.
