Explored more of this "ZModeler 3 Crack"

Some random dude who plays GTA V, Dulla, came to me two days ago in the night to discuss things, modding included, when I was posting a new blog post. He visited my blog to discuss about (re)starting the modding life once again, with a significant change of the game I've been long awaited for the history of GTA V since it's released in 2015.

It seems that he interested in my first jury-rig of Boruto ped model I ripped from NS:UNS4. It's time to dig out more of this information I'm going to do before doing the ped rigging in ZModeler 3. But first... account creation.

It's not much I can expect from the keywords like "ZModeler 3 crack" or "ZModeler 3 torrent download" as Dulla suggested. Most of them are scam sites trying to spread hoax on Facebook and Twitter that the crack exists OR providing the obsolete version that you can only model cars from it, not a ped as described in a video once made by Zagor TV here. Also, I'm not even sure that it still works on the latest version of ZModeler 3.

Seriously, I've been digged deep into keyword suggestions. Most of them are either legit sites that provide non-cracked (non-pirated) downloads (only a few popped up), scam sites, or yet, a discussion about it. I accidentally found this and this during my private search. Both topics have been closed and their download links (if exists) removed.

What I found slightly surprising is that,
It costs 40$ for a year, why not just pay 40$
from a post made by TrentMU on my accidental search of the legit latest version of the ZModeler 3 that's cracked. Oh, that's cute. Sounds like about 450k Rupiahs that I can't be able to use it on that time period. Like a goddamn professional subscription. I have a limited time here and I don't want the rest of my holiday go waste.

Nah, I'll go for the trial first. If features are limited, I'm going to buy the subscription. Anyway, what could go wrong with it?

Dulla seemed to understand about the practice Oleg, the ZModeler creator, made. Not only to prevent piracy, this is described as a business practice, as in... I buy games from Steam and Valve make profit from our game or app purchases. Sounds legit. It's like I'm using Tokopedia (or eBay) to buy items online for a negotiable price. Anyway, Naruto/Boruto action figures that I can't find in Tokopedia, you can find it on eBay or Amazon.

It's like people saying, "everything is money. Water is not free. Oxygen is not free. Even living off the land is not free." Barter in the past times seemed to be a somewhat common practice of stuff trading. This century, however, trading stuffs or barter seems to be an uncommon practice. People trade it with money nowadays.

Well... as good to be true, ZModeler 3 is not a really popular modeling program compared to Autodesk 3ds Max. Both ZM3 and ZM2 are purposed to make a modified model of such game and then import it to the game that is then, called as "a model modification". Compared with ZModeler 3, Autodesk 3ds Max has tons of pirated copy of them all over the Internet, and I'm not going to explain how many. It's a miracle that ZM3 in its latest version is the only modeling app I found that hasn't been pirated because of its subscription system, which makes you pay to them every month or year, depending on how much you want to pay, and what features you want to unlock.

But hey... maybe one day, someone can pirate it, right? I'm not making bad assumptions on this, but if that happens, it will affect the business and price trading. Just sayin'.
