First DLC Mission - sounded insane at first, but...

My first gameplay in this new DLC mission was somewhat like... holy cow, how many planes are in there?

No doubt, Steam Forums for Ace Combat 7 described this DLC mission 1 titled "Unexpected Visitor" as "Ace Combat 04's Comona", forgot what mission number it is in there.

TugaAvenger, Ace Combat Fan, and SkylineGTRFreak have already made those gameplay in their own style, as well as SlyCooperFan1. Mine? F-16 does sound crazy for this insane mission, but... it's at least I can give it a try.

Two remaining DLC missions that'll be released next month and 2 months later will be likely using F-16, trying to beat the impossibility that even a crap/cheap fighter jet in Ace Combat can do the most difficult missions. Hell, I can do Ace Combat 5's final mission in F-4X and MiG-21-93. Nothing is impossible, I'd say.

You can check out my new video below.
