Forgot to tell: missed watching "The Last" on TV

Remember the September 17 I said before? My family spent our day in Jakarta from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.

So in one occasion, I always checked the clock on my watch to allow me calculate when I can go home, but unfortunately me and my family stayed at the mall until 9. It wasn't rainy outside and at the Food Court in the mall, only some channels were selected - that excludes GlobalTV. Movie starts at 6, and the announcement on LINE OA came too late, at approx. an hour 15 or 30 minutes after the schedule. By the time we go home from the mall, it already finished.

Well, it was unfortunate that I cannot watch it to hear how Indonesian VO actors said on the actors it played, but I did run a collecting hobby at the capital city of Indonesia and it was quite fun, knowing the sides of the city and new models of action figures. Truth is, if it's televised again, the date and time is possibly unknown, since it has new TV shows and is getting shittier from day to day.

I stayed away from dramas on TV ever since the new computer layout is in place, and I spent the TV time only during the "Katakan Putus" show on TransTV and some movie shits I like, not cartoon movies. I already hate SpongeBob on TV as the episodes kept repeating all over again while in USA, it has already gone further into more and more episodes, telling the new lives and side-story of SpongeBob Square Pants and the place he worked in, the Krusty Krab.

Well actually, it's not that I hate that cartoon show. I still love it, but local TV shows have becoming shit. I did have a doll of SpongeBob at home when I was at junior high - big, comfy, and gummy - but truth is, there were no action figures representing SpongeBob and his fellas at Indonesia, only anime action figures like One Piece and Naruto.

Now my entertainment is the video game, books, and internet.
