I'm all set for the release, but the new Boruto skeleton set is glitching out

Yep, even though I've made everything defaulted (reset head bones position to how it should be), the model seems to have what appears to be "facial glitch", where the model uses the "base skeleton" from the exported project.

And it seems like, every ped model has an "embedded" skeleton set from the project that I'm working on. This "embedded" skeleton set is located inside the ped's head model, which this is used as a reference for exported YFT file. Not gonna lie, all ped models tend to have this reference set, which it will be used to better-positioning the target skeleton (YFT file). Facial and other mesh glitches are most likely caused by the "missing target skeleton from the reference", for example, using x skeleton on y ped model. Mix and match these sets can cause facial and mesh glitches on a ped model. You can try it yourself by swapping ig_barry YFT file with ig_beverly YFT or ig_natalia YFT, for example.

The reference set is also used for weight painting in ZM3, as a matter of fact. However, the case is that the project is almost final with the Konohamaru ped ready for field-testing. Unfortunately, though, there are some small mesh artifacts that made some of vertices go pointy like how I did with Sarada model, but there was nothing that's pointy on ZM3. Could have been something with manual rigging, but I have no clue. Both basic/main and facial rigging skills I have are very much basic like noobs do, but I understand how does rigging a ped work.

Something tells me that manual weight painting can screw up few vertices after exporting via ZM3, but again, I have no clue about this. Still, at least it's an accomplishment that I've taken so far in GTA modding, and finally, it's time for a cleanup; fixing facial/mesh bugs by putting the skeleton set inside the head dummy, if this can go work out in ZM3.

After this, I'll make a video and release the mod as public beta. Then I'll hand this project to Darwin VS, if he still want to accept requests.
