[TUT] Installing LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 Modifications without ModMan 7.3

Ever heard LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2? Have its modification from various authors and hard to install it? Download ModMan, but need to register? Here are the steps from me to make the mods of LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 operable without thinking twice before dumping it to Recycle Bin.

First of All

Modding means replacing original objects to a new one in game or anything related. Before starting to mod, you must have a backup of the original files. The modding is popularly known when you play GTA IV, apparently, LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 can, and so the other flight sim games, e.g. DCS: World.

Starting to Mod

You can browse any LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2 modifications at this link: http://lockon.co.uk/en/files/
After you opened it, click the (all) drop-down list beside the "Game" and choose "LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2". After that, click Filter. The preview after you done that will be shown below:

For example, we download "Су-27 CM mod for FC2 4.0" at this link: http://lockon.co.uk/en/files/374970/

Well, should I have to tell you, this mod has a Russian ReadMe language, and is barely see using regular Notepad because the coding type is ANSI. You can use Google Translator to translate it, after you download Notepad++, which I'll tell you any moment.

Once you opened it, click Download under the image of Su-27 aircraft. While it's downloading, download Notepad++ (this is crucial for all modders) at this link: http://notepad-plus-plus.org/

When your "Су-27 CM mod for FC2 4.0" download complete, open it using WinRAR or 7-Zip and extract it to any folder which you can easily remember OR directly to Desktop.
When your Notepad++ download complete, install it.

Begin Modding

Here's the preview of the files after the extraction. From here you can peek the screens on what type of mod it is and probable features available.
Before we proceed, make sure that all files for LOFC2 have been backed up to the safe location.

Next up, we copy all folders to your main directory of LockOn: Flaming Cliffs 2. In my method, I copy files one by one to its own dir, like Bazar to Bazar (Main Dir). This method is to prefer which files that I like to replace or not. These methods are your call.

Once done... eits! Don't just rush to the game console already! It's not finished!
You know why you should download Notepad++? I'll show you.

When you are in game, after the installation of the mod, the model and objects aren't visible, but collisions are still there. Therefore, the visuals got weird and everything is invisible. This means that you must edit the graphics.cfg file to add new ".cdds" file into it.

graphics.cfg file can be found in "Config" folder of your LOFC2 Main Dir. Right-click the graphics.cfg and click "Edit with Notepad++", or you can choose "Open" and look below.

Choose the "Select a Program...", click OK, then click Browse. Find the executable for Notepad++ and click OK.
Once opened, you can look at this image below:

Scroll to line 154 until you find "highFolder = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";". From here, scroll to line 179 and add below it these lines:

     common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\SU-27-SM_Cockpit.cdds";
     common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\3GO-su27-tga.cdds";
     common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\3GO-su-27.cdds";

After that, click Save or just press Ctrl+S buttons simultaneously, then close and exit Notepad++.

You are done and good to go.
You can also do these steps with other modifications related to LOFC2 and similar flight sim programs at http://lockon.co.uk/en/files/. Who says you can't install it without ModMan?

I will tell you how to install aircraft skins later.

Have fun!
