Trying to save money

Monetary issues can come to those who spend much of their money buying things that adds fun and other sorts of purposes. My family did have that, and so do I.

Grandpa stopped depositing cash into my bank account. He did a collective purpose to gather sufficient amount of cash to build a new house pretty close from where we live, about a block from the house. That was a start, for me and my sister.

I've been trying to save money, but sometimes devil comes to me, said that I should spend my money over the food that I like. It's because of my culinary travel habit I had ever since my family done some traveling to Bali, approximately 7 or 8 times for my entire life. Somehow the angel convinced me to not doing it (spending cash), but the devil's intuitions are strong.

Yep, I've been battling about that for nearly 3 years. It all starts with the cafeteria that offers delicious foods, either national or international (Western, most likely) and cold drinks that made me cough hard, sneeze, and having throat problems. Though the menu didn't seem to change everyday, other seems to change, especially the fading out Mexican food, or something I saw is not in their menu. I never saw the Mex food again since the price is quite expensive, nearly hit 20k. IMO, their menu is very delicious, especially when it comes to the "fried crispy mushroom" part and where you put the sauce and chili powder right on top of it. Idk what's the name, maybe MexBowl or something.

Noodles sought to be my fav since I was a little kid. There was, at the time, the instant noodle that'll be my fav. The name is famous now in Nigeria, but why the hell they told it right now, in the news? There, at the cafeteria, also provides "safe noodles" in my parents' watch. This is one of my habitual issues with them.

Okay, now move on to the entertainment part. Without anyone realize, IoT (Internet of Things) have becoming a major source for people to provide works for people. I'm using this IoT, one is building mods and spread it over the Internet.

Now, a bit out of context, this is about video games. I have been running calculations of some video games I propose and some that is not within my reach to grab. This is based from the observation and received hot links (not hot link to download) from Ova Games and activity around my college. Say, it's about the remastered version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Watch_Dogs 2. Ova Games frequently publishes cracked video games every day to about 4 or 6 posts per day. This made me lost track with proposed games I want to download. In the other hand, I have a list containing remastered version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. It sized around 48 to 49 GB, nearly 50 or so (non-Ultra-Repacked). On my calculations, using Modem Wi-Fi and Smartfren as the ISP (Internet Service Provider), it can be downloaded after 4 times topping up with 100k cash: two on one day, two on another. 100k is that the benefit of night-time quota (known as Internet Malam) of 12 GB per top-up, up to 24 GB max. It can't go beyond 24 for some reason. Last time when the night-time quota is 16 GB and then topped-up with 100k it refills to 24 instead of 28.

I think and think again that downloading it can waste 400k instead of buying it from the "retailer" store, with an exception of Watch_Dogs 2 that I'm lazy to look over it because of frequent updates on Ova Games site. So I ended up in a "retailer" store yesterday near my college and I was glad to see that the spending was quite cheap. A single DVD costs 25k, cheaper than doing shitty internet downloading thing. The remastered version of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare costs only 200k there - 8 DVDs. The other, Watch_Dogs 2, costs 100k - 4 DVDs. The spending, of course, will be quite cheaper than what I expected, but I lost money in the process.

300k was lost in one day, with plus 100k for topping up my modem at home. Now I have nearly 200k on my wallet. It would be cash-gathering again, and I can estimate, if I didn't spend cash for a week, I can save 300,000 Rupiahs; 50k per day, with an exception of holidays on weekdays.

Dunno why, though, mom gave me 100k for two days, or even worse, 300k for a week. I can't tell what happened in details, but in short, my family have monetary issues. Last spending of family cash was when replacing the "riding dynamo" that got broken down on Carens minibus my family has. That was two weeks ago.

No one knows why and how I bought video games near my college and how I got the PS2 controller working on the PC. I guess I would keep it that way, until either my dad or my mom finds out.
