Yosh! Pods are converted and is ready to continue further!

I guess it's time. The latest version of RU and US Advanced Weapons mod release is almost at the top. Here are some previews of the Stinger and Igla missile pods I ripped from Ace Combat: Assault Horizon game to Flaming Cliffs 2.

Some game previews before being ripped:

Well, the use of 3ds Max 7 really takes me back to Stone Age. The view controller is much more limited than in the 2014 version, so I guess I have to make do - using controls on the lower right of the preview screen, next to the animation slider.

ATM, I still need to figure out how the draw argument works and how to implement it. So far I can do only static models and export them in .LOM format. The argument number on the lower left of the animation slider is clear that it controls the animation time, where if you move the number, the animation timer will set to specific time for that argument, default when "untouched" is at 0. As you know, even though I read the draw argument files provided by ED many times, I still don't get it. What I need is a teacher who can do such thing.

Recently I created some primitive models to imitate collision model but somehow... well... idk how to explain this, but it's like, you can zoom the camera right to the center of the model, ignoring the custom collision that is set up. Now this is one that I have to figure out: how collision model works and how to design it.

This is the early beta release mod of the Burke Destroyer ripped from Black Ops II game. I tried to get a Ka-27 helicopter to land on Burke Destroyer with custom col created based from primitive objects and it came up like this:

Looks weird, huh? Also, unlike other models set up, this one is not yet targetable by AI - for anti-shipping purposes, so they can't attack this ship - like it's using stealth.

I was hoping if anyone can help me with this issue before going into the final stage of pre-release of this mod, like final touch and ModMan packaging. Any help will be appreciated; and please do share to any expert LOMAC modelers out there.
