Moved on to a new world of modding

So it's about time.
First is #OmTeloletOm which has gone worldwide (men and women in Indonesia talked about it). Second, Samehadaku finally released the "opera" song in which I really do "hate" the shortened (TV-sized) version of the song. Third, a proposal of a new computer will be done in a near time and soon, I'll be developing mods and playing future games at ease.

I have pursued the bug that caused the police bike's emissive textures got visible even when the "extra" parts are active. I'll be uploading it to LCPDFR and GTAInside as soon as I pulled out the screenshots of my modded firetruck.
Quite a minor bug on the blue dome lights, I say, but it doesn't cause serious issues.

Since I didn't sign up again to GTAGaming (by the time there was a website breach by crackers), modding times are focused to DCS: Black Shark 1.0.2 and I guess it's complete. After the "opera" song is converted to OGG format I'll start releasing it.

Now if I remember it right, OfficerDeal @ LCPDFR wanted me to model a Buffalo cruiser to have completely blue lights. Come to think of it, since the style he requested is similar to Fallout 4, it's best suited if I design it into a Boston Police style.

The release, I think, may be done near the New Year. I heard rumors in April that the story of Boruto will be far more neat than Naruto. Is that so? We'll see.

And, oh boy I can't believe it... Masashi Kishimoto approved the live-action version of Naruto created by Hollywood? What does the world will have to say if it's ugly like the Dragon Ball: Evolution? Maybe the TIME magazine will record that movie as the next ugliest after the Superman VS Batman: Dawn of Justice.
