My guessing is right

So my guessing is right, so with the TV and NLI. Tomorrow is where people will watch how Indonesian VO actors sound like in The Last: Naruto the Movie that is already Indonesian-dubbed.

Schedule is similar as where the movies started, from 5 p.m., after "World's Deadliest".

Well, so with the bad luck to me. I'll be attending the class that starts from 8 to 12 then 13 to 17. I might be watching the half-part until the end if I got home with no problems like traffic jam.

I'll post ya the information I got from NLI, but uh... I'll delay it for few minutes - I do not know today is Galungan day. This is no hoax.

EDIT: If you understand the song lyrics but do not know the title of the song, just use Google Search of that lyric with apostrophes ("") on both beginning and the end of the text. You'll find the song lyrics with detailed song name and artist, which then can be used for your reference or download a real song (useful if you want to look for such music from Youtube videos).
