Something tells me about BF2's AI instability

Apart from screwing around the AI data to fix some bugs EA left on Battlefield 2 game (especially SP maps), something tells me that there's more about this AI instability.

Apparently, dunno why, but I see random crashes before I finally made major adjustments to the weapons set to match the aesthetic (original) BF2 style with minor adjustments. Game crashes on some maps, which firstly I thought that flying a transport helicopter can crash the game when fully filled with passengers that are AI (computer-controlled player). However, what I thought today is that the AI system is bugged since this game was made, even though EA stopped patching this game and left it as it is. It has been a trouble for not just me, but everyone who usually played single-player in BF2 to measure combat skills with computer-controlled players.

Some weapons' AI data tend to be bugged on some point, especially when the weapon was placed dead last on slot 8. Game crashed when an AI tries to equip a weapon with customized AI that I made myself. I guess I get the point of empty slots; 2 or 3 empties are intended for XPack (Special Forces Expansion Pack), which adds NVG (night-vision goggles) and gas mask, as well as crossbow or grappling hook depending on the kit you choose. However, this doesn't cause problems in multiplayer.

I still believe that AI data is the root of random crashes in SP "servers". Other than that is traceable with Raw/Debugging Mode included within the BF2Editor. Any weapon index conflicts will be seen via debug logs, which then is an easy fix at the end. I should have known this, but... yeah, it's already been 10 years without knowing what happened.

The AI data might be a problematic issue since the first version of this game was made, and I did made a Google Search about fixing this AI data; none was ever found. If I did found one, I'll link it up here.

The best way to play safe at this time when in SP is to close the game as soon as you complete the round. Any progress that you do while offline will be saved. If the game crashes because of AI, all current progress will be lost. Note that the progress can be anything. It could be a tutorial for first-time gameplay or time elapsed in a session.

I have no idea if someone has already made a fix on the AI after the last patch. Maybe the guy who have fixed this issue don't want to share with us. Who knows?
